The Threepenny Review is a well-regarded quarterly of the arts and society which has been published since 1980. Every issue contains excellent essays, stories, poems, and memoirs, plus beautiful black-and-white photographs. Its regular writers include six Nobel Prizewinners and four U.S. Poet Laureates; recent issues featured writing by Wendell Berry, Geoff Dyer, Deborah Eisenberg, Richard Ford, Sharon Olds, Darryl Pinckney, and Elizabeth Tallent
The Threepenny Review
Table Talk
Thanks to Our Donors
A Note on the Artworks
The Museum of My Mother
My Mother Visits Norway
The Quiet Part
Particles of the Genuine
Our Dark Garden
Photo Credits
Gunn Control
The Classroom of the Late Romantic • in memory of Thom Gunn
Horse Therapy
The Clothes Horse
The Last Joyce
The Lost Art of Breathing
Not the Absence of Light, But
Now and at the Hour
A Different Country
There Are Words for Everything
Tin Woman
King Falstaff
A Problematic Opera