The Threepenny Review is a well-regarded quarterly of the arts and society which has been published since 1980. Every issue contains excellent essays, stories, poems, and memoirs, plus beautiful black-and-white photographs. Its regular writers include six Nobel Prizewinners and four U.S. Poet Laureates; recent issues featured writing by Wendell Berry, Geoff Dyer, Louise Glück, Greil Marcus, Javier Marías, Adam Phillips, and Kay Ryan.
The Threepenny Review
Table Talk
Conversations with Max
Thanks to Our Donors
A Note on the Artworks
Chain of Memory
I Thank the Sheep
The Noblest of Things
Photo Credits • All of the photographs in this issue are copyrighted in the name of the artists—mainly Caleb Stein, but sometimes Stein's collaborators as well. Below are the captions for each image, listed by page. Please see page 5 for further information about Caleb Stein.
The Seasons Come and
The Quiet Effacement of Light
Near Cairo
As the Shore Comes to Meet Us
A Symposium on Escape • Editor's Note: As is always true in the case of our symposia, these contributions were written simultaneously and independently in response to the assigned topic. Any over- laps, parallels, or violent disagreements are therefore purely serendipitous.
Each Month My Grandmother Sends Money to a Stranger Who Puts Flowers on Her Mother's Gravestone in Odesa
All Laws in Limbo
Sage and Smoke and Stones
Apostate Abecedarian
Tom Ripley, Shape Shifter
A Classroom of One's Own
Doing CPR on Some Dude Who Looks Just Like My Father