It was Adelita's first day at a new school, and she didn't know anyone! As Miss Cantú started a lesson on vegetables, cries of "I hate vegetables" filled the classroom. She watched the kids as they gathered around the teacher's desk to select a vegetable of their own from the basket. Two boys tossed a brown vegetable like a football!
But it's the friendly girl in the red T-shirt who introduces herself as Jasmine that interests Adelita most. She offers Adelita her choice of the green or yellow vegetable, observing "these two veggies must be cousins" because they look alike. When Jasmine wonders what they're called, Adelita says her grandmother calls them calabacitas. Ms. Cantú overhears the girls and confirms that the squash are related. And to Adelita's surprise, her teacher also calls squash calabacitas<>!
Children—and some parents too—will look at vegetables in a whole new way after reading this charming story about making new friends. Award-winning author Diane Gonzales Bertrand once again pairs with illustrator Christina Rodriguez to create a book that will resonate with children ages 4 – 8 as they build skills and confidence in school and social situations.