Something is stirring deep within the twins' unearthed cauldron...and no, it's not Bertha's homemade moonshine.
Lela and Mae finally found their tribe. After their magic trickles over to other granny witch descendants in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, now they have a coven and a home. Little do they know that the same magical source that supplies them with their powers can also make them deathly ill.
Now they're struggling to offload their magic and share it with volunteers within their coven...even the men.
Men with shiny, new magical powers? Surely nothing could go awry.
In the midst of the twins' magical conundrums, a ghost from their family's Scottish past keeps popping out of the cauldron like a genie from a lamp. She's returned to issue a warning: the coins that Lela and Mae found on their family's ancestral farm can't be used by them, or anyone else, lest they be cursed for eternity.
What's the worst that could happen? Eternal curses? Pfft. Why not?
When the coins go missing, the twins find themselves in a race against time to recover them before they are doomed to the same, unfortunate fate as their ancestor.
Meanwhile, Lela is intrigued by the professor's dark and handsome brother, Joseph, who also just happens to have an adorable four-year-old daughter named Eleanor. When an accident sends Eleanor directly to the ER, can Lela use her powers to save her? Or will her true identity push her new love interest away?