How do you say goodbye?
After an agonizing, unsuccessful search for his missing family, Jack Storm finally makes a breakthrough. But how much can he trust the one offering him this supposed sliver of hope? His source has already betrayed him before; could she be doing it again?
Before getting the intel, Jack is tasked with executing the most daring extraction of his entire career, right under his agency's nose. A former Saudi spy chief is seeking political asylum in Canada, but the Saudi royal family has branded him a traitor and wants him dead.
With more questions than answers, will Jack risk it all on this daredevil operation and be able to pull off ... the Perfect Extraction?
Lose yourself in Jack's most personal and brilliant mission ever with a spectacularly satisfying twist.
★★★★★ "I think the story line is of Jack's best adventures yet! From start to finish, there is so much action and adventure going on non-stop, that I just had to keep on turning the pages."
★★★★★ "'Ethan Jones has done it once again with the latest Jack Storm adventure 'Perfect Extraction'. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, this tremendously packed, fast action, intrigue, mystery and compassion episode with a bunch of twists and turns is the best one yet."
★★★★★ "Get ready for fast-paced action as Jack Storm takes on his most dangerous mission ever."
Jack Storm Spy Thriller Series
International bestselling author Ethan Jones offers his latest series that is so heart-stopping and fever-pitched, that you'll have to take up a permanent position on the edge of your seat.
The clean, clever, and captivating fifth book in the Jack Storm series, with bonus content, is a pure white-knuckle ride to the last page. Action movie fans will be thoroughly entertained. Guaranteed to keep you flipping feverishly at every page. Enjoy Perfect Extraction now.